Marketing is Simple,
That is Why it is so Complicated ...



Let's Talk

“The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.”

Peter Drucker

Remember the Basics.

Here is a Summary of the Marketing Trilogy


Like everyone else I learned that Marketing is a very complex framework to work with.
It is true. But that is when you want to refine and master the process
because you have huge budgets and you can spend a lot of time to
fine tune everything you do.

But for most businesses, since we are small enterprises with less than 300 employees,
this can become overwhelming very fast.

What we suggest is that you take one step at a time and divide to conquer.
There are three areas to work on, to improve.
Even a slight improvement in each of these area will have significant impact
on the overall results.

I will add a short video here soon to show you the financials of the previous paragraph.

There are three important objectives:
  • Attention: Getting their attention
  • Offer: Making an offer they can't refuse
  • Deliver the promise: Keeping them as happy after the purchase than before.
Getting attention is not as easy or always what even marketers think it is.
I am saying this because in many situations they forget that
the only purpose here is to move them to the next step of a process
that will lead them to purchase a product or a service.
When a brand is spending time looking cool or trying to look cool,
they’re spending time and money on branding, not marketing.

It isn’t the same process. 

Hence the confusion by smaller organizations with less budgets that try to imitate the big brands.
You can do both but try not mixing them up. 
Branding is a process to manage and grow your reputation.

When there is a confusion, branding is often associated to designing, promoting a logo, an image, etc.
That is why it is then associated to marketing since promotion is a marketing operation.

You better separate the two process because branding IS NOT, an image promotion per se.
Your brand is a reflection of the reputation you have, not a logo.
Now that branding is out of the way, let’s get back to the 3 main objectives. 
Here’s an overview of these 3 objectives achieved within 3 steps.
Step 1. Getting the attention.
You will need to create the perfect message, choose the perfect angle and
fire at the perfect target. Otherwise this will be a miss.
If you follow the right framework, you will get your message to the right audience.
That audience and only that perfect audience will get interested.
Step2. Make an offer
Your objective is to present your offer to that audience you selected
and successfully raise their interest. It will reach more people than your selected audience,
but this is not important.
What counts is how you move your perfect prospect to want your offer.
You want to work your first step in such a way that when you present your offer,
they want to buy. You don’t really need to sell anymore.
If you achieve that, you are in line with the Peter Drucker’s definition of Marketing:
“The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.”
Otherwise you are not deploying the maximum techniques and using the marketing framework
to achieve better results.
Step3. Deliver the promise
The marketing process doesn’t end when the customer buys your product.
The cost of acquisition of a new customer is so high that you need to protect your acquisition.
This is one of the most dropped ball by the high majority of businesses.
They don’t know what and how to do marketing at that step. 
Usually, it is a lack of understanding on how to leverage that new relationship
with these new customers. 

Not understanding the financial and potential of these enhanced ¨prospects¨.
You have earned their trust to purchase your product. 

You have to go a little further so that trust grows in buying more from you.
And another step further so that they start promoting your business
and offers themselves, refer you a prospect. 

For now, you can contact me through my website:

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